Homeowner Insurance

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An overview of homeowners insurance.
Homeowners insurance protects you and your family in many types of situations involving your home and the things you own.
This information is a basic overview of homeowners insurance and includes:


Homeowners insurance can help protect your most valuable asset.
The property section of your policy includes two basic types of protection:
Housing Protection covers the house you live in and other structures attached to it, such as a garage, balcony or patio deck.
Protection for Other Structures covers other buildings on your property that are separate from your home, such as a garage by itself or a shed for storing tools and other supplies.


Personal property protection covers the loss of your belongings if they are stolen or damaged.
- In the event your belongings (Personal Property) are stolen from your home or destroyed by fire, your homeowners insurance can help you replace them.
- In the event your belongings (Personal Property) are stolen or damaged outside your home, your homeowners insurance can help you replace them.
The Actual Cash Value compared to the Reimbursement Stipulation.
As time passes, the value of most of your belongings decreases.
With homeowners insurance, you have the ability to choose one of the following personal property coverages:
Actual Cash Value generally means that your belongings are covered for the cost to replace them, less depreciation.
Depreciation is the reduction in the value of the item due to the time that has elapsed since it was manufactured, due to its condition, or other factors.
The Reimbursement Stipulation generally means that your belongings are covered for the amount needed to replace them at the time the claim is filed. The premiums for this coverage are usually higher.


A deductible is your share of the cost.
When you file a claim for a covered loss, you may be responsible for a set amount, called a deductible, to repair or replace anything damaged or stolen.
Learn more about deductibles.
- Not all coverages will have a deductible. However, a deductible will almost always apply to home, other structure, and personal property coverage.
- In most statements the amount of any deductible will be specified in your policy statements, right next to the coverage.
- In most cases, you choose your deductible from a range of options. Usually, a higher deductible means a lower insurance premium.
- Other ways you are protected.

  • What may not be covered* Homeowners insurance does not cover everything. Homeowners insurance protects a home against accidental and sudden loss. However, there are certain losses that are not covered.


Most homeowners insurance does not cover basic maintenance repairs. For example, if your water heater cracks, chances are your coverage will not help replace the water heater. (But it may help pay for the damage done to your floors.) That's why it's a good idea to service all heating, cooling, and plumbing systems regularly. Floods, earthquakes and standing water. Floods, earthquakes, and standing water (Sewer System) are generally excluded from most homeowners insurance. If you want to purchase additional insurance to cover these events, please contact our office.


Listed below are just a few of the optional coverages you may be able to purchase, either as supplements to a policy, or as a separate policy.


Busque bajo “Cobertura” en las Declaraciones de su Póliza de Allstate.

Extended coverage for jewelry, watches and leathers

Increases the limits for jewelry, watches and furs

Policy to protect personal property

Provides increased limits on personal property, such as jewelry, cameras, antiques, recreational equipment, and much more.

Coverage to restore identity theft

If your identity is stolen, this coverage can help with legal issues, phone calls, and unearned wages.

Coverage for standing water that covers drains

Helps cover damage to your home as a result of clogged drains or broken drains

Increased coverage for business property

It protects items that you keep in your home such as samples from the business that sells them.

Separate policies you can purchase

Please look for these policies in a separate mailing envelope.

flood insurance

We can help you buy a separate policy through the National Flood Insurance Plan.

Full personal policy

Si alguien lo demanda por causa de un accidente, y el ajuste sobrepasa los límites de responsabilidad legal de su seguro de auto y/o casa, esta cobertura puede ayudar a proteger sus bienes.
DO YOU NEED HELP PERSONALIZING YOUR HOUSING POLICY? Complete this form to be able to offer you the best quotes in the market in the different insurance companies throughout Florida.

Insurance Florida always with you, to serve you. We pride ourselves on the service we provide to our clients at different Florida insurance companies, we can help you protect your lifestyle.
  • We advise you to have peace of mind and know that you are always protected*
  • Contáctanos para cualquier pregunta sobre sus seguros comerciales y  personales en toda la Florida*
*All coverage subject to terms, policy limits, availability, and qualifications. Please read the policy for more details.*

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